
faq searcher Steve
  • How long has Repairs101 been on YouTube?
    • Repairs101 was launched September 2nd, 2010 with the release of episode #201001 REPAINTING STOVES
  • Why do you make DIY videos?
    • When Repairs101 started out there was very little online in terms of credible and helpful do-it-yourself videos
  • Where is Repairs101 shot?
    • Repairs101 is produced on location in and around Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • What’s the deal with your website?
    • Launched January 1st, 2023 this is the 5th generation of Repairs101.ca
    • In time it will fill out and become a portal to find information, instruction and links to hardware and tools
  • Is Steve a “ticketed” mechanic?
    • Steve is a Canadian Red Seal Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic and has possessed the coveted Commercial Vehicle Inspectors Licence (expired) for the Province of British Columbia


  • What kind of oil should I use?
    • Always use the oil recommended by your machine’s manufacturer. Clues can be found in owner’s manuals, service manuals and even on the oil filler cap itself.
  • What other credentials does Steve have?
    • Steve was an ISA certified Arboricultural Technician before becoming a CYA Cruising Instructor before becoming a Canadian Coast Guard certified deckhand before becoming a Certified Diesel Engine Mechanic before becoming a Red Seal Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic before obtaining his Commercial Vehicle Inspectors Licence. Along the way he has had numerous training certifications for subjects ranging from Marine Firefighting to Industrial First Aid to WHMIS to Dangerous Goods Handling to Welding to Jaylift Operation to Rigging to Forklift Operation and so much more.
  • What’s the deal with Steve#5?
    • Steve served as foreman in the service department of a forklift dealership where four other guys named Steve already worked. Number five, for short.
  • What is the best knot to know?


  • Where can I get { X } tools / hardware?
    • Repairs101.ca has banner links to the products you’re looking for and serves as a portal to connect DIYers with great deals on the tools and hardware they need through curated affiliate ads and Coupon / Promo Codes.
  • Are brand name tools like Snap-On worth the extra money?
    • For professionals, yes.
  • Why are you always pushing protective eyewear?
    • Worldwide, eye injuries are the most commonly reported workplace injury.
  • What is Cedarvale?
    • Cedarvale Tree Experts Ltd., 1480 St. Clair Avenue West in Toronto. A legendary training ground for Arborists and the business where Steve served his first apprenticeship.
  • Who was F. Earle Martin?
    • Founder and President of Cedarvale Tree Experts Ltd. 1923 – 1985


faq answered: what's the deal with that logo?
The original REPAIRS101 logo shot arranged with real hand tools on black leather jacket background.
  • What kind of dog is Holly?
    • Holly is an Australian Cattle Dog (blue heeler) cross.
  • How old is Holly?
    • Holly was born in 2015.
  • Is that Adam Savage? James Hetfield? Freddy Roach?
    • Nope.
  • How old is Steve?
    • So old that… wait. What was the question?
  • Is that a Masonic symbol?
    • No. “In fact it is based on a photo I took of a handful of tools arranged on the back of my black leather jacket. A crow’s foot adapter skull with open ended wrenches as crossbones and gabled compasses to give it an illuminati vibe. At the time I was unaware of the significance of the skull and crossbones to the Freemasons and simply liked the pirate theme it suggested, as I was (and am) an avid sailor.”
  • Are you a Travelling Man?
    • In my heart.
  • Did you know you’re doing that wrong?
    • More than one road leads to Rome. Check it out! There’s even an airport.
  • What advice do you have for young people just starting out?
    • Don’t freak the norms.
  • Do you think you’re funny?
    • Sorry, folks. These are the best jokes we can afford.

FAQ – Please direct your enquiries and inquiries to the Repairs101 YouTube channel Community page or in the comments section of any Repairs101 video on YouTube – I read ’em all.