Alright today on Repairs101 I’m going to show you how to tie a Fisherman’s knot. Which is a great knot for joining two pieces of rope of equal diameter. And also how to tie a Double Fisherman’s Knot. Which is a great knot for, you know, if you want to go Double fishing.

Controversy at YouTube
Here’s another video I’ve seen a lot of flack over. Seems every other video on the subject ties this knot differently than I do. Many viewers often feel at liberty to tell me just how wrong and potentially dangerous my knot is. They pipe down when I point out that the knot they describe is listed in The Ashley Book of Knots as a Double English Knot (see pages 50 and 80).

Easy to get wrong
So this is a fairly easy knot to tie but it’s also fairly easy to tie it incorrectly. So I’ll show you what I mean. You start by taking the tail end of one rope and tying an overhand knot. That becomes a half hitch as you belay it to the other line. And then you tie a half hitch with its end to the standing part of the first line.

Orientation is key
Make sense? The mistake people make with this knot s in orienting the half hitches correctly. Getting it wrong means a considerable reduction in breaking strength. You want the tail of the half hitch to point in the direction of the other rope’s standing part. Tying the double fisherman’s knot is just like tying the standard fisherman’s knot. Except that you add a turn when you wind it around the standing part of the opposite line.
Oh, and sorry about that line about going Double fishing. There’s no such thing as a Doublefish. I would fire our joke writer, but he’s in a really good union.
Alright thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe!