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Chainsaw Chain Tension Adjustment

Introduction to adjusting chainsaw chain tension using two different types of chainsaws with Pro-tips and safety hacks included free of charge. Demonstrated on a Stihl 038 Super-Pro and a TackLife 8 inch 6amp electric telescoping pole saw.

Porsche Tesla Motor Swap

Check this electric conversion on a 2002 Porsche Boxster with a Tesla Model S P85 motor and Kia batteries, charger and Battery Management System.

Ocean Plat Flat Knot Mat

Check this nautical door mat I made with a 25 foot piece of half inch / three strand rope tied into a flat knot - the Ocean Plat. Makes a great rainy day project - on land or at sea.

My Backyard Paint Booth

Shows tools and materials required to set up your own temporary paint booth. Part 7 of my 5 part series "How to make your beater sweeter". Watch and listen as I clean out a rundown carport, hang 1 mil clear poly sheeting and then tape up and spray paint the hood and roof on my pickup truck - a 1987 Ford Ranger - which I bought for $500 !!

Measuring Instruments

How to use and read the most common mechanic's measuring instruments- Vernier Calipers, Telescoping Gauges, Dial Indicator and Digital Indicator.

Monkey Fist Knot Dog & Cat Toy

How to tie a Monkey Fist knot shown in real time. Two examples shown in detail on different sizes of rope. Great dog toy for throwing / tugging. Small version makes a great chase toy for cats, too.

$500 Pickup Truck Pt.6 of 5

– How to make your beater sweeter – So way back in June I found this 1987 Ford Ranger for five hundred bucks. It was...

Professional CB Radios from Cobra Electronics