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Make Your Beater Sweeter Pt.4

Leaky windshield fix, opening a rounded oil pan drain nut and basic tuneup components changed. My $500 1987 Ford Ranger project vehicle part 4.

Basic Caulking Tips & Tricks – How to

How to replace your tub and tile caulk and window glazing for home and marine repairs. Tools and techniques to get a professional finish the first time you try laying a bead of sealant. Demonstrates taping techniques and saving a botched job using scrapers and paint thinner. Skills anyone can take to the bank!

Make Your Grout Look New Again!

You won't believe the difference in the before and after shots! How to do it yourself tutorial on replacing existing grout without re-tiling the wall. Shows tools, tips and tricks of the trade. So easy, almost anyone can do it.

Professional CB Radios from Cobra Electronics