Top 10 ++ Lifehacks for Gardeners and Gardening Enthusiasts - propagation, pruning, pesticides, transplanting, and tools / tool care tips for working smarter not harder. Also some recycling ideas and environmentally conscious choices available in every home for combating pests and weeds.
Check this list of my Top 10 ++ useful kitchen tips & tricks, cooking skills and chef's shortcuts you can use in your kitchen at home or work to save money and time. Economical and environmental food prep, clean up, storage & safety ideas - and it's all free! Free!
Professional mechanic's tips and tricks of the trade for easier lube, oil and filter service. ( It's like lifehacks for mechanics & automotive hobbyists ). Simple ideas that can save time, energy and money whether you're an amateur or a professional.
Save effort, time and money with these Top 10 ++ more Life Hacks, shortcuts & trade secrets! Tips & tricks for work, home & auto! Pro painting secrets, automotive tips and tricks and more great ideas!
Top 10 Tips, tricks and trade secrets that can make a real difference in the quality of your life at home and at work. Simple and easy ideas for the house, car, boat and even at work.
Easy way to deal with pipes blocked by heavy rust deposits in non-potable water systems. Free up pipes clogged with rust using CLR (Calcium Lime & Rust Remover) from Jelmar .
How to do-it-yourself instructional on repairing a door with a loose hinge. Includes removal, planing and reinstallation of a door and restoring stripped out screw holes.