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Lamp Repairs

Rewiring a piano lamp, replacing the switch for a bankers lamp, a 15 second Underwriter's Knot tying lesson and a 10 second animated film within a video.

How to Service Your Lawn Mower

Basic service and blade sharpening / balancing on a standard single blade lawn mower with a four stroke Tecumseh engine.

Bench Grinder Primer

Basic safety tips and operational procedures for use of an electric bench grinder.

Files Rasps & Rifflers

Filing basics for carpenters, machinists, mechanics, welder / fabricators, tool and die makers, hobbyists and more.

Drilling Stuff

Best practices involved in drilling wood and metals - quick introduction to some of the basics behind safe and successful drilling.

Electric Motor Explained

Unboxing a 1965 Science Kit and assembling a DC Electric Motor while explaining the components that make it work.

Make Your Grout Look New Again!

You won't believe the difference in the before and after shots! How to do it yourself tutorial on replacing existing grout without re-tiling the wall. Shows tools, tips and tricks of the trade. So easy, almost anyone can do it.

Braiding / splicing 3 strand rope

How to do it yourself tutorial on braiding (or splicing) three strand rope - demonstrating Short Splice, Back Splice & Eye Splice.

Professional CB Radios from Cobra Electronics