So one of my neighbours has a son. Nice kid. Real friendly. But prone to emotional outbursts.
One day I run into him and I ask him how it’s going. He says he’s had better days.
So he straight up asks me : why do we bother? What’s the point?

After a really long pause where I contemplated my role in this kid’s life I said life is challenging. Survival is challenging. We are fulfilled by embracing challenges. That’s the essence of our existence. It’s written in our DNA.
For instance I sail. Repair machinery. Play guitar. Play pool. Crosswords, Soduko. Sudoku? YouTube. It’s all challenging in its own way. And I get satisfaction from meeting those challenges.
So what’s the point? Well it’s whatever you make it. Life’s what you make it.

You have to figure out what makes you happy and where you feel at peace and make that your thing. They say do what you love and the money will follow but that’s moose marbles. The key is to do what you love and be less concerned about money.
If you’re having trouble imagining how to find fulfillment once you acknowledge whatever it is that makes you happy – let me share with you the concept of SERVICE.
You can serve your country or your God or your community. Your family… your customers. Or the environment. But you’ve gotta serve somebody.

Anyway, last time I saw him he told me he had found God and was working to help the less fortunate on Vancouver’s Lower East Side.