NOCO GB30 Genius Boost
A small boat with an engine that won’t start because of weak batteries. Adrift on the mighty Fraser River. Self rescue with a NOCO Genius. Dramatization and testimonial for Genius BOOST GB30

So last week we were out doing some sea trials on a boat after some service. After a bit, we stopped to perform some checks. Which were all well and fine until we were ready to go.

Normally you would radio or otherwise signal for a tow… then wait… and hope. But we had insurance in NOCO’s new pocket sized power pack.

The most important thing to take away here is the order in which you clamp on the cables.
Always attach the RED or POSITIVE terminal connection first and the BLACK or NEGATIVE terminal connection LAST!
To disconnect the procedure is followed in reverse.
DISCONNECT the BLACK or NEGATIVE terminal connection FIRST.
DISCONNECT the RED or POSITIVE terminal connection LAST.