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Stuff You Need In Your Car

Be road ready with these Top 12 + basic and inexpensive things you really need to keep in your car for accidents, auto failures and emergency preparedness. Survive the drive! You will wish you had all these things in your car when you need them. Remain calm and keep watching Repairs101.

Prepping For Power Outages

Top ten list of what you need to ride out power failures in comfort and security. Be prepared for blackouts and other power interruptions! Be ready wth plenty of food, water, fuel and emergency supplies to ride out the wait for power to be restored.

Emergency Heaters

A look at some popular internet solutions to coping with cold weather during power outages / blackouts and their inherent risks. The surprisingly dangerous flowerpot / tea light heater and the potentially explosive beer can stove are demonstrated.

Dugout Wooden Boxes

Tools you need and how to make sweet dugout wooden boxes from recycled scraps and end pieces of whatever wood you have - great for gift giving easy to make and personalize with a minimum of tools!

Six Easy DIY Gift Projects – Woodshop Edition Do-it-yourself gifts that are cheap & easy! Useful stuff made from recycled wood with a minimum of tools. Lots of great DIY ideas to inspire you including coasters, cuttingboards, birdhouses, treasure boxes, hair jewelry for Mom and a tool caddie for Dad!

Painter Hitch

This knot is used by campers, cowboys and sailors alike whenever there is a need for quick release - collapses instantly to free a spooked horse or release a boat tied to a pier with a rapidly falling tide. Perfect for dog leashes and leads too.

iPhone Video Stabilizer – Easy Woodshop Project

Make you own cheap and easy to build hi-tech (just kidding) wooden smartphone video camera stabilizer for your iPhone or similar mobile device. Stabilizes camera for video and improves production value. Shoot better videos on the run!

Light A Pilot Light

Light the pilot light in your furnace, hot water heater or other gas appliance in 10 easy to follow steps.

“Tool Knowledge Challenge” handyman quiz – Vol.1

Play this fast paced game testing your knowledge of ten different and somewhat unusual tools from various trades including carpentry, mechanics and plumbing. Test your expertise! Post your score in the comments section! Play vol.1, vol.2 and vol.3 !!!

Fisherman’s Knot & Double Fisherman’s Knot

Easy to learn Fisherman's Knots, demonstrating both standard and double knots. Useful for joining ropes that you wish to be able to separate without a knife. Easy to follow, clear and close-up point of view perspective shots!

Professional CB Radios from Cobra Electronics