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Celtic Heart Pendant Knot – The Easiest Way To Tie

See how I demonstrate that the easiest way to tie the decorative Celtic Heart Knot is to use two opposing crossing turns - even when hanging a pendant between them. Easy! Great for Valentines day or just making interesting stuff out of rope.

Painter Hitch

This knot is used by campers, cowboys and sailors alike whenever there is a need for quick release - collapses instantly to free a spooked horse or release a boat tied to a pier with a rapidly falling tide. Perfect for dog leashes and leads too.

Fisherman’s Knot & Double Fisherman’s Knot

Easy to learn Fisherman's Knots, demonstrating both standard and double knots. Useful for joining ropes that you wish to be able to separate without a knife. Easy to follow, clear and close-up point of view perspective shots!

Monkey’s Fist Heaving Line

Tying a Monkey's Fist for a heaving line used in boating for docking and rafting, in camping for hanging a food cache and for a chase toy for dogs or cats.

Braiding / splicing 3 strand rope

How to do it yourself tutorial on braiding (or splicing) three strand rope - demonstrating Short Splice, Back Splice & Eye Splice.

Alpine Butterfly – Hot Knots 5

The Alpine Butterfly is a highly useful knot used especially in rigging. When a loop is required that may take an equal strain in all directions and still allow the rope to be recovered.

Cow Hitch – Hot Knots 4

OK say you have a ring, you know the common thing to do would be to just pass that through, flip it over and you...

Sheepshank – Hot Knots 3

Quick demonstration on how to tie a Sheepshank - used frequently as a means of gathering bowsing lines while keeping them ready to deploy.

Slippery Hitch – Hot Knots 2

Transcript provided for the hearing impaired: It’s tight this way… but you pull on this and it quick-releases. MUSIC PLAYS So… there we go. So...

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