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Rat Trap Automatic Door Closer

Alright so today on Repairs101 I’ve got one you’re going to want to see. I take an ordinary rat trap and re-purpose it into an Automatic Door Closer. Don’t forget- you saw it here first.

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Puppy play area

About a year ago I got a puppy and I made her a play area out of the back porch. But she was always leaving the door wide open and it’s kind of a drag in the winter. Now I’ve heard YouTubers are a pretty smart group. So I’m just going to assume you all know what a door is and how it works. And I’m just going to skip over that part of the tutorial.

Alright the first thing I did was remove the hold–down bar and the catch. Now this next part’s a bit sketchy – I’m sure you can find a better way to do this. Seriously, if you’re not a hundred percent confident with power tools or if you’re at all litigious I suggest you look away for the next few seconds.

Location, location, location

Now I admit I picked kind of a lousy place to install it. It’s too close to the fire extinguisher. But I wanted it high enough to be away from the dog and low enough to be clear of the blinds. And to give a more or less centralized push on the door itself. So after I removed a small piece of door trim I eyeballed the door closer’s kick plate into place. And then yeah I did the unthinkable again – I used power tools on a loaded spring trap. So I don’t know. Just look away. So after that all I had to do was cut away the tape that was holding down the spring and my Rat Trap Automatic Door Closer is in action. And it works terrific!


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Alright thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe! And if you like today’s episode – please share it with your friends!

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